Municipal Election 11/7/2023

Election Returns

Precinct Details

1 Candidate Vote for one
Candidate Ahmed Ahmed          
Precincts   Write In Total Votes Election Day Votes Mail In Votes Provisional Votes
Lancaster City - 1st Ward 166 2 168 101 64 3
Lancaster City - 2nd Ward - 1st Precinct 230 4 234 173 61 0
Lancaster City - 2nd Ward - 2nd Precinct 208 5 213 177 33 3
Lancaster City - 3rd Ward 152 2 154 106 46 2
Lancaster City - 4th Ward - 1st Precinct 63 3 66 45 21 0
Lancaster City - 4th Ward - 2nd Precinct 53 1 54 48 6 0
Lancaster City - 5th Ward - 1st Precinct 268 1 269 194 71 4
Lancaster City - 5th Ward - 2nd Precinct 167 1 168 131 36 1
Lancaster City - 5th Ward - 3rd Precinct 248 3 251 186 64 1
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 1st Precinct 204 3 207 160 46 1
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 2nd Precinct 143 3 146 115 31 0
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 3rd Precinct 220 2 222 181 41 0
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 4th Precinct 208 4 212 163 46 3
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 5th Precinct 171 1 172 129 42 1
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 6th Precinct 101 7 108 74 34 0
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 7th Precinct 205 7 212 161 50 1
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 8th Precinct 123 2 125 98 26 1
Lancaster City - 7th Ward - 1st Precinct 95 2 97 76 21 0
Lancaster City - 7th Ward - 2nd Precinct 104 1 105 81 24 0
Lancaster City - 7th Ward - 3rd Precinct 57 1 58 48 10 0
Lancaster City - 7th Ward - 4th Precinct 87 2 89 53 36 0
Lancaster City - 7th Ward - 5th Precinct 50 1 51 36 15 0
Lancaster City - 7th Ward - 6th Precinct 50   50 32 18 0
Lancaster City - 7th Ward - 7th Precinct 92 4 96 60 36 0
Lancaster City - 7th Ward - 8th Precinct (CV) 51 2 53 41 12 0
Lancaster City - 7th Ward - 8th Precinct (LS) 92 5 97 73 23 1
Lancaster City - 8th Ward - 1st Precinct 105 1 106 86 15 5
Lancaster City - 8th Ward - 2nd Precinct 84   84 64 18 2
Lancaster City - 8th Ward - 3rd Precinct 130 3 133 96 36 1
Lancaster City - 8th Ward - 4th Precinct 252 9 261 212 48 1
Lancaster City - 8th Ward - 5th Precinct 110 5 115 89 26 0
Lancaster City - 8th Ward - 6th Precinct 96 2 98 84 14 0
Lancaster City - 8th Ward - 7th Precinct 182 9 191 146 44 1
Lancaster City - 8th Ward - 8th Precinct 144 5 149 123 26 0
Lancaster City - 8th Ward - 9th Precinct 142 6 148 119 29 0
Lancaster City - 9th Ward - 1st Precinct 254 3 257 165 91 1
Lancaster City - 9th Ward - 2nd Precinct 56   56 39 17 0
Lancaster City - 9th Ward - 3rd Precinct 263 1 264 210 52 2
Lancaster City - 9th Ward - 4th Precinct 372 2 374 330 44 0
Lancaster City - 9th Ward - 5th Precinct 428 2 430 342 86 2
Totals 6226 117 6343 4847 1459 37

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Copyright ©2014 County of Lancaster. Generated 11/22/2023 11:45:13 AM