Municipal Election 11/7/2023

Election Returns

Precinct Details

1 Candidate Vote for one
Candidate Mitchell Sweigart          
Precincts   Write In Total Votes Election Day Votes Mail In Votes Provisional Votes
Millersville Boro - 1st Dist 212 3 215 184 31 0
Millersville Boro - 2nd Dist 267 3 270 236 34 0
Millersville Boro - 3rd Dist 200 9 209 172 36 1
Millersville Boro - 4th Dist 121 3 124 111 13 0
Conestoga Twp 968 4 972 855 114 3
Manor Twp - Bethel Dist 190 6 196 146 49 1
Manor Twp - Hambright Dist 386 6 392 321 70 1
Manor Twp - Indiantown Dist 345 1 346 315 31 0
Manor Twp - Leisure Dist 710 11 721 589 131 1
Manor Twp - Manor New Dist 527 9 536 482 54 0
Manor Twp - Washington Boro Dist 342 1 343 314 28 1
Manor Twp - West Lancaster Dist 345 6 351 260 90 1
Manor Twp - New East Dist 583 9 592 488 103 1
Manor Twp - Hershey Mill Dist 259 4 263 206 57 0
Martic Twp - Marticville Dist 515 7 522 445 77 0
Martic Twp - Holtwood Dist 327 2 329 294 35 0
Pequea Twp - West Willow Dist 536 4 540 457 83 0
Pequea Twp - New Danville Dist 406 7 413 363 49 1
Totals 7239 95 7334 6238 1085 11

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Copyright ©2014 County of Lancaster. Generated 11/22/2023 11:45:13 AM