Municipal Election 11/7/2023

Election Returns

Precinct Details

6 Candidates Vote for not more than five
Candidate Timothy L Craven Judy S Beiler Chris Weber Timothy Stauffer Trisha Good Jason Breckbill          
Precincts             Write In Total Votes Election Day Votes Mail In Votes Provisional Votes
Akron Boro - East Dist 184 244 248 232 244 233 3 1388 1208 173 7
Akron Boro - West Dist 236 370 348 364 370 341 2 2031 1806 224 1
Ephrata Boro - 1st Ward 224 294 299 298 291 279 18 1703 1445 258 0
Ephrata Boro - 2nd Ward 268 368 357 363 378 335 8 2077 1717 358 2
Ephrata Boro - 3rd Ward 335 436 413 415 427 405 15 2446 2060 385 1
Ephrata Boro - 4th Ward 209 306 306 298 306 283 10 1718 1454 262 2
Clay Twp - North 135 400 404 403 403 396 3 2144 1931 203 10
Clay Twp - South 373 547 555 537 563 522 3 3100 2572 525 3
Ephrata Twp - Lincoln Dist 264 379 383 383 383 357 19 2168 1817 345 6
Ephrata Twp - Murrell Dist 315 524 528 505 536 484 11 2903 2327 568 8
Ephrata Twp - Trout Run Dist 178 284 276 265 274 253 5 1535 1287 245 3
Totals 2721 4152 4117 4063 4175 3888 97 23213 19624 3546 43

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Copyright ©2014 County of Lancaster. Generated 11/22/2023 11:45:13 AM