Municipal Election 11/7/2023

Election Returns

Precinct Details

2 Candidates Vote for one
Candidate Sonya Duncan Michael Burke          
Precincts     Write In Total Votes Election Day Votes Mail In Votes Provisional Votes
Columbia Boro - 1st Ward 96 95 2 193 166 27 0
Columbia Boro - 4th Ward 111 98   209 175 34 0
Columbia Boro - 5th Ward 134 86   220 155 63 2
Columbia Boro - 6th Ward 219 272 1 492 396 95 1
Columbia Boro - 7th Ward 160 177   337 255 80 2
Columbia Boro - 9th Ward 106 111   217 188 28 1
Totals 826 839 3 1668 1335 327 6

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