Municipal Election 11/7/2023

Election Returns

Precinct Details

6 Candidates Vote for not more than five
Candidate Kerry Gable Kevin Eshleman Juanita Fox Gary Hambright Pamela L K Blickle Desiree Wagner          
Precincts             Write In Total Votes Election Day Votes Mail In Votes Provisional Votes
Adamstown Boro 166 272 266 254 268 261   1487 1332 155 0
Denver Boro 241 442 397 404 392 410 23 2309 2000 303 6
Cocalico East Twp - Smokestown Dist 164 470 442 433 435 432 9 2385 2072 297 16
Cocalico East Twp - Swartzville Dist 141 231 210 200 204 203 4 1193 1036 157 0
Cocalico East Twp - Stevens Dist 135 312 275 271 266 275 4 1538 1340 196 2
Cocalico East Twp - Reamstown Dist 186 378 365 356 344 351 12 1992 1756 235 1
Cocalico West Twp - Reinholds Dist 190 401 355 338 364 348 12 2008 1780 226 2
Cocalico West Twp - Schoeneck Dist 152 488 444 432 437 436   2389 2164 225 0
Totals 1375 2994 2754 2688 2710 2716 64 15301 13480 1794 27

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