Primary Returns   - -   Write-In votes cast

Representative in the General Assembly 97th D          

Erik Brown 1 Manheim Twp - 3rd Dist
Total 1
Jere L Strillmatter 1 Manheim Twp - 16th Dist
Total 1
Jere Strittmatter 1 Manheim Twp - 13th Dist
Total 1
Patricia McClune 3 Manheim Twp - 17th Dist
Total 3
Ray Baldwin 1 East Petersburg Boro - North
Total 1
Roy Baldwin 1 Lititz Boro - 1st Ward - 1st Precinct
4 Manheim Twp - 3rd Dist
1 Manheim Twp - 8th Dist
1 Manheim Twp - 14th Dist
1 Manheim Twp - 15th Dist
2 Manheim Twp - 16th Dist
1 Manheim Twp - 17th Dist
Total 11
Roy E Baldwin 1 Manheim Twp - 1st Dist
6 Manheim Twp - 3rd Dist
4 Manheim Twp - 4th Dist
1 Manheim Twp - 6th Dist
1 Manheim Twp - 8th Dist
1 Manheim Twp - 10th Dist
1 Manheim Twp - 13th Dist
5 Manheim Twp - 14th Dist
1 Manheim Twp - 15th Dist
2 Manheim Twp - 16th Dist
4 Manheim Twp - 17th Dist
3 Manheim Twp - 18th Dist
9 Manheim Twp - 19th Dist
Total 39
Roy F Baldwin 2 Manheim Twp - 11th Dist
Total 2
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