Municipal Election 11/2/2021

Election Returns

Precinct Details

1 Candidate (Vote for One)
Candidate Jeffrey T. Hatfield    
Precincts   Write In Total
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 1st Precinct 172 1 173
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 2nd Precinct 111 1 112
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 3rd Precinct 172 4 176
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 4th Precinct 163 1 164
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 5th Precinct 148 4 152
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 6th Precinct 91 5 96
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 7th Precinct 174 2 176
Lancaster City - 6th Ward - 8th Precinct 114 1 115
Totals 1145 19 1164
Jeffrey T. Hatfield Write In

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